Steering the Ship of Your Business 

Imagine your business as a ship, and you are its captain. Who is steering the ship if you spend all your time below deck, lost in the day-to-day tasks? This is the metaphor I often use to illustrate the importance of working on the business, not just in it. The personal business library you build isn’t just a collection of information; it represents a commitment to learning and strategic growth. It should serve as your compass, guiding you through uncharted waters and helping you navigate with confidence. 

For many entrepreneurs, especially those fresh on this journey, there's a tendency to get lost in the weeds of daily operations. I recommend setting aside at least half a day a week to focus solely on the business's strategic aspects. This isn't just about maintaining your accounts or catching up on emails, but about thinking, planning, and learning—essentially steering the ship. This dedicated time allows you to reflect on your goals, assess your progress, and adjust your course as necessary.  


The E-Myth Revisited


Curating Your Personal Business Library